Fork Consulting graphic icon for Placemaking


Placemaking is the creation of intentional, considered and functional spaces with food, community and the environment at their core.

Food is multi-faceted; it is nourishment, a social service and a universal currency.

Nationally, food shapes our environment. Locally, it brings people together, fosters community and transcends culture.

Food is an indisputable staple in society, as important bricks and mortar, but too often overlooked or considered as an afterthought.

Food is simple and yet so complex.

Herein lies the value of food-centric placemaking.

Our approach involves a deep understanding of local food systems and their key assets, including but not limited to producers, local organisations, business enablers and the community.

We evaluate a system’s architecture through a food-system lens – across areas such as socioeconomic, environmental and health – before delivering an impact-driven solution.

From regenerating underutilised urban areas, incubating and growing new food businesses, building new food infrastructure or reimagining disused buildings or assets and using them as catalysts for growth, we’ll oversee the strategy, planning and implementation of your placemaking project.

Whatever the challenge, we always advocate for better.

We show exactly how your project can – and will – be delivered.

The benefits of Food-Centric Placemaking

Effective placemaking builds stronger communities by creating spaces where people are united through food.

Placemaking boosts local economies by supporting small businesses, local organisations and food entrepreneurs.

Our approach to placemaking is centred around providing long-term value by creating sustainable and vibrant food ecosystems to be enjoyed by the communities they serve.

Fork Consulting graphic icon for Placemaking

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